Oglasi Marketplace Take-Apart Fire Rescue Truck Little Mechanic Wheel Wrench Screwdriver

Take-Apart Fire Rescue Truck Little Mechanic Wheel Wrench Screwdriver

17,05 €


Cijela Hrvatska

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Vatrogasno vozilo za spašavanje na rastavljanje, mali mehaničar, ključ za kotače, odvijač Predstavljeni set poslastica je za malog DIY entuzijastu koji je strastven prema vozilima. Ova će igračka biti san mnogih dječaka! Zanimit će klinca koji voli sve igračke spremati u prve dijelove – s ovom možete biti sigurni da će se ponovno sastaviti. Proizvod će uzeti i dječaka koji se voli igrati sa svim vozilima. Bit će to i veliko iznenađenje za mališana koji sanja da će u budućnosti postati vatrogasac. Brojna primjena proizvoda čini ovu igračku univerzalnom, što osigurava da je dijete neće brzo pospremiti. Što je u prikazanom kompletu? U crvenoj kutiji sa staklenom vitrinom nalazi se masivni aparat za gašenje požara i set alata potrebnih za igru. Ovaj je automobil dizajniran za točnu reprodukciju pravog automobila, što je bilo uspješno – vrijedi obratiti pozornost na sve natpise na automobilu, uključujući brojeve za hitne slučajeve ili oznake, karakteristične za određenu profesiju. Međutim, to nije sve – vatrogasno vozilo ima tipičnu strukturu, koja se sastoji od ljestvi na uvlačenje na vrhu s košarom za spasioce, kao i fiksnih elemenata poput vatrogasnog crijeva, sigurnosnih stupova ili srebrnih sjenila koji skrivaju svu opremu u pravom vatrogasnom vozilu . Igra s ovim autićem zasigurno će vašem djetetu donijeti puno zabave. Model radi na frikcioni pogon, što će svakako olakšati zabavu, a ujedno i zainteresirati mlađeg vozača. Osim toga, igračka se vrlo lako rastavlja i sastavlja – slikovne upute nalaze se na dnu kartonske ambalaže. Zbog veličine pojedinih elemenata igračka nije namijenjena djeci mlađoj od 3 godine. Cijeli vatrogasni set izrađen je od certificirane plastike koja jamči sigurnost igre i dug vijek trajanja autića. Komplet uključuje: – 4 x vijka, – 6 x matica, – 6 x kotač, – šasija automobila, – karoserija automobila, – produljive ljestve s košarom, – prikolica za automobil, – 4 različita alata. Dimenzije elemenata igračke: – vatrogasno vozilo: 27,5 cm x 12 cm x 11 cm,- produžene ljestve: 48,5 cm x 4,5 cm,- odvijač za okretanje automobila: 10 cm x 4 cm,- izmjenjivi vrh za alat: 5,5 cm x 3 cm. Veličina paketa: – 14 cm x 14 cm x 38 cm.

Take-Apart Fire Rescue Truck Little Mechanic Wheel Wrench Screwdriver
The presented set is a treat for a small DIY enthusiast who is passionate about vehicles. This toy will be a dream come true for many boys! It will interest a kid who loves to take all toys into their first parts – with this one you can be sure that it will be reassembled. The product will also take a boy who likes to play with all vehicles. It will also be a huge surprise for a toddler who dreams of becoming a firefighter in the future. A number of applications of the product makes this toy universal, which ensures that the child will not quickly put it away.
What’s in the kit shown? In the red box with a glass-case, there is a massive fire extinguisher and a set of necessary tools to play. This car has been designed to accurately reproduce the real car, which was successful – it is worth paying attention to any inscriptions on the car, including emergency numbers or markings, characteristic for a given profession. However, that’s not all – the fire truck has a typical structure, consisting of a retractable ladder topped with a lifeguard basket, as well as fixed elements such as a fire hose, safety posts or silver blinds hiding all the equipment in a real fire truck.
Playing with this car will certainly bring your child a lot of fun. The model works on a friction drive, which will certainly facilitate the fun and at the same time interest the younger driver. In addition, the toy is very easy to disassemble and assemble – the picture instruction is on the bottom of the cardboard packaging. Due to the size of some elements, the toy is not intended for children under the age of 3. The entire firefighter’s set was made of certified plastic, which guarantees both the safety of play and the long life of the car.
The kit includes:
– 4 x screws,- 6 x nut,- 6 x wheel,- car chassis,- car body,- an extendable ladder with a basket,- car trailer,- 4 different tools.
Dimensions of the toy’s elements:
– fire engine: 27.5 cm x 12 cm x 11 cm,- extended ladder: 48.5 cm x 4.5 cm,- screwdriver to turn the car: 10 cm x 4 cm,- replaceable tip for the tool: 5.5 cm x 3 cm.
Size of the package:
– 14 cm x 14 cm x 38 cm.
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